If you’ve ever thought of yourself as the good time party girl or boy, then had a hangover that changed everything; or if you’ve struggled with mental health issues regardless of having had a great childhood; or if you’ve ever considered happiness as the holy grail, then this conversation is for you. 

Jill Stark is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, and passionate mental health advocate. 

In this episode of Human Cogs, hosts Sabina Read and Madeleine Grummet take the long, hard road back into Jill’s dark past, as she shares her experience of what she refers to as her “breakthrough, not breakdown”. 

No stranger to crippling anxiety and an over-reliance on alcohol, Jill explains the liberating power of understanding her childhood and family dynamics in making sense of her own feelings of being defective, and the shifts that therapy - and her eventual sobriety - have created in her life. 


Hosts: Sabina Read and Madeleine Grummet
Guest: Jill Stark
Website: jillstark.com
Technical Producer: Daryl Missen at Purple Wax

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Madeleine Grummet