If your heart had a voice, have you ever wondered what it would say?

Dr Michelle Woolhouse is an author, podcaster and holistic and integrative GP with decades of experience working in the fields of anxiety, stress and burnout.

We first spoke to Michelle in 2020, around the time she hit a wall within herself, which catalysed her decision to step off the high-stress career treadmill she’d been on, and to embark on a deep journey of self-discovery and to get underneath the anxiety that had been ever-present in her life.

This conversation explores what happened when Michelle pushed pause on everything, undertook a holistic reexamination of her life, work and future, and let her heart lead the way. It wasn’t easy. But by trusting her intuition and challenging some of her traditional medical training, Michelle got out of her head and into the wholeness of her body.

Off the back of that powerful and transformative journey, Michelle has written and released a book, The Wonder Within, in which she explores society’s normalisation of stress, unpacks the interconnections of health and healing, and provides a playbook to give us all the skills, knowledge and inspiration to uncover our full selves in order to feel wholly alive. 


Guest: Dr Michelle Woolhouse
Book: The Wonder Within
The Holistic GP

Hosts: Sabina Read and Mads Grummet
Producer: Daryl Missen

Human Cogs is available on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts or via our website where you can also catch great conversations with previous guests :)

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Madeleine Hanger (Grummet)